Solstice Wrapping ~ 17 Dec 2015

Next week the solstice occurs on December 21, marking winter or summer, depending upon where you hail on the planet. Interesting patterns wrap around either side of the solstice, involving personal planets and outer planets; two patterns before, one pattern following. Such combinations align personal aspirations with deeper, transcendental movements that stir vast dimensions within... pretty cool holiday presents.

On December 19th, Mercury and Pluto align in Capricorn. This is a tell-the-truth pattern. If someone asks you want you want for Christmas or Kwanzaa, tell the dang truth. If you get whatever you asked for and you shorted what you really wanted, that’s not the best hand to have played. Tell the truth about how you feel regarding your talents, assets and what you bring to the table. Adopt the motto, “living well is the best revenge.” Dedicate your efforts to craft your mind into a perfectly honed resource of unending motivation, relentless pursuit, and applying all that you possess without holding an ounce of yourself back. Anything less would be less than honest.

On December 20th, Mars in Libra opposes Eris in Aries. Those who feel shunned, rejected, excluded, not invited or uninvited from the best holiday gala, left off Santa’s list, ignored or what have you, might easily slip into patterns that are not the best behavior according to social norms.

Again, the “living well” axiom well serves a soul feeling unpleasantries and discord. Mars is all about getting on with it, and given a lack of recognition, Mars couples with Eris to ensure that one achieves the attention of others... for good reasons, of course. Actually, despite the edge of both these planets, they do get along. Ares (Aries), one of the signs that Mars rules, constantly accompanied Eris on her exploits.

About Eris’ exploits... generally they were not the best deeds. She loves war, conflict, discord, mayhem, yet, when summoned by Jupiter, she participated in reversing the heavens to create perspective long enough for a massive political wrong (according to Jupiter) to be righted. She does have potential. If not seeking to be an outlaw, rebel, malcontent, misanthrope, etc., and if choosing to apply her innate skill sets, she works to set a person free of the demands of life, addictions to status and success, for a time just long enough to find a personal fit of ego, soul and the real world.

So, if the country club turned down your application, or if you got shut out from the black list or from getting the best black credit card, step back. Regroup, reaffirm what really is the perfect fit for your soul, then forge forth, ensuring that you agree with the principles you use to navigate the straits of life. Check and recheck that each and every act conducted reflects your greatest good. Resist any urge to sow discord, permitting you to reap the benefits of acts of good will, creative expression, and perfect pitch propitiation of all the planets. Leave no planet out. This is Eris, for Jove’s sake.

Following the solstice, on the 22nd, Mars aligns with Haumea. This potent dwarf planet invokes the maximum use of fertile, creative energy. She seeks to feed all people. She seeks to create and cultivate abundantly fertile land. She invokes the absolute bliss that comes with grooving along in the creative zone. She inspires all to do good with no concern for competition. Of course, with the Sun transiting the Galactic Center starting about now and hanging around for the next several days, protect your intellectual property, register your brand, and secure your share of galactic downloading completed.

Since these transits involve more distant, impossible to see with the naked eye, transformation-seeking planets, and since they combine with frisky Mercury and steamy Mars, there could be a bit of an edge in the air. As an antidote, you could wear Venus in Scorpio on your sleeve. As they say to actors, “never let them see you sweat.” Put on your best not-in-the-slightest-am-I-ruffled face when challenged, and silently recite the mantra of the moment, “living well is the best revenge.”

One final note for today: In case forming those New Year’s resolutions is more of an effort that you feel it should be, cut yourself a modicum of slack. On January 7th, as Jupiter stations in Virgo, he does so within one degree of the lunar north node. Maybe, just maybe, the insights and connections required to define the dharmic determinations of 2016 seep over into the first week of next year before becoming clear. Be resolved to cut a little slack with your resolve... and your resolutions.

More soon!